For the early and also for the controlled culture, our Early Birds are well suited due to their early flowering.
10104 Ping Pong Super
strong growing
response time:
8 weeks
Flower type: Pompon
Flower size: 6 cm
11171 Yeti White
Asia Cut Mums
middle compact growing
response time:
8 weeks
Flower type: filled
Flower size: 11 cm
10106 Anastasia White
middle compact growing
response time:
8 weeks
Flower type: spider type
Flower size: 13 cm
10120 Inga
middle compact growing
response time:
9 weeks
Flower type: anemone
Flower size: 10 cm
10125 Zembla White
strong growing
response time:
9 weeks
Flower type: decorativ
Flower size: 11 cm
10138 Kibo
Asia Cut Mums
middle compact growing
response time:
8 weeks
Flower type: ball
Flower size: 14 cm
10135 Palisade White
strong growing
response time:
9 weeks
Flower type: form of ball
Flower size: 14 cm
10141 Vienna White
Asia Cut Mums
middle compact growing
response time:
9 weeks
Flower type: form of ball
Flower size: 15 cm
10142 Vienna Cream
Asia Cut Mums
middle compact growing
response time:
9,5 weeks
Flower type: form of ball
Flower size: 15 cm
10242 Vienna Yellow
Asia Cut Mums
middle compact growing
response time:
9,5 weeks
Flower type: ball
Flower size: 15 cm
1560 White Spider
middle compact growing
response time:
10 weeks
Flower type: spider type
Flower size: 14 cm
10170 May Shoesmith White
compact growing
response time:
11 weeks
Flower type: form of ball
Flower size: 13 cm
10606 Anastasia Dark Green
middle compact growing
response time:
8 weeks
Flower type: spider type
Flower size: 13 cm
10625 Zembla Lime
strong growing
response time:
9 weeks
Flower type: decorativ
Flower size: 11 cm
10204 Ping Pong Golden
strong growing
response time:
8 weeks
Flower type: Pompon
Flower size: 6 cm
12172 Yeti Dark Yellow
Asia Cut Mums
middel compact growing
response time:
8 weeks
Flower type: Filled
Flower size: 11 cm
10206 Anastasia Sunny
middle compact growing
response time:
8 weeks
Flower type: Spider type
Flower size: 13 cm
10226 Zembla Sunny
strong growing
response time:
9 weeks
Flower type: decorativ
Flower size: 11 cm
12173 Yeti Beach
middle compact growing
response time:
8 weeks
Flower type: decorativ
Flower size: 11 cm
10235 Palisade Yellow
strong growing
response time:
9 weeks
Flower type: Ball type flowering
Flower size: 14 cm
10314 Blake
middle compact growing
response time:
7 weeks
Flower type: pompon
Flower size: 7 cm
12560 Golden Spider
middle compact growing
response time:
10 weeks
Flower type: Spider type
Flower size: 14 cm
10270 Bright Yellow May Shoesmith
compact growing
response time:
11 weeks
Flower type: Ball typ flowering
Flower size: 13 cm
13167 Xian
Asia Cut Mums
middle compact growing
response time:
8 weeks
Flower type: Pompon
Flower size: 10 cm
13168 Xian Purple
10608 Tiana Dark
middle compact growing
response time:
8 weeks
Flower type: Spider type
Flower size: 13 cm
10607 Cipria
middle compact growing
response time:
8 weeks
Flower type: Spider typer
Flower size: 13 cm
13244 Tigris
10309 Barca
middle compact growing
response time:
8 weeks
Flower type: decorativ
Flower size: 8 cm
14230 Ceylon
middle compact growing
response time:
8 weeks
Flower type: Pompon
Flower size: 8,5 cm
14232 Ceylon Copper
Asia Cut Mums
middle compact growing
response time:
7,5 weeks
Flower type: pompon
Flower size: 10 cm
10334 Avron
middle compact growing
response time:
8 weeks
Flower type: Spider type
Flower size: 18 cm
10381 Vienna Copper
Asia Cut Mums
middle compact growing
response time:
9,5 weeks
Flower type: ball type
Flower size: 15 cm
10382 Vienna Pink
Asia Cut Mums
middle compact growing
response time:
9,5 weeks
Flower type: ball type
Flower size: 15 cm
10383 Vienna Salmon
11141 Mascat
Asia Cut Mums
middle compact growing
response time: 7 weeks
Flower type: single
Flower size: 7 cm
11154 Honshu White
Asia Cut Mums
middle compact growing
response time:
8 weeks
Flower type: filled
Flower size: 3,5 cm
11164 Sapporo
Asia Cut Mums
middle compact growing
response time:
8 weeks
Flower type: filled
Flower size: 7 cm
12130 Delhi Yellow
Asia Cut Mums
middle compact growing
response time:
7 weeks
Flower type: single
Flower size: 8 cm
12131 Delhi Gold
medium compact growing
response time:
7 weeks
Flower type: single
Flower size: 8 cm
11171 Yeti White
Asia Cut Mums
middle compact growing
response time:
7,5 weeks
Flower type: filled
Flower size: 6 cm
11168 Dalian White
Asia Cut Mums
medium strong growing
response time:
8 weeks
Flower type: Anemone
Flower size: 4,5 cm
10125 Zembla White
strong growing
response time:
9 weeks
Flower type: decorativ
Flower size: 8 cm
10625 Zemba Lime
strong growing
response time:
9 weeks
Flower type: decorativ
Flower size: 8 cm
1560 White Spider
middle compact growing
response time:
10 weeks
Flower type: spider type
Flower size: 10 cm
12168 Dalian Yellow
Asia Cut Mums
middle compact growing
response time:
6,5 weeks
Flower type: single
Flower size: 7 cm
12150 Guam Yellow
Asia Cut Mums
strong growing
response time:
7 weeks
Flower type: filled
Flower size: 4 cm
12172 Yeti Dark Yellow
strong growing
response time:
8 weeks
Flower type: Spider type
Flower size: 8 cm
12173 Yeti Beach
Asia Cut Mums
medium strong growing
response time:
8 weeks
Flower type: Anemone
Flower size: 8 cm
10226 Zemba Sunny
strong growing
response time:
9 weeks
Flower type: filled
Flower size: 8 cm
12560 Golden Spider
middle compact growing
response time:
10 weeks
Flower type: Spider type
Flower size: 10 cm
13130 Delhi Pink
Asia Cut Mums
middle compact growing
response time:
7 weeks
Flower type: single
Flower size: 6 cm
13244 Tigris
Asia Cut Mums
middle compact growing
response time:
7,5 weeks
Flower type: decorativ
Flower size: 7 cm
13226 Adana Pink
Asia Cut Mums
middle compact growing
response time:
8 weeks
Flower type: filled
Flower size: 6 cm
13167 Xian
Asia Cut Mums
middle compact growing
response time:
8 weeks
Flower type: filled
Flower size: 8 cm
13227 Adana Purple
Asia Cut Mums
middle compact growing
response time:
8 weeks
Flower type: filled
Flower size: 6 cm
14130 Delhi Apricot
Asia Cut Mums
middle compact growing
response time:
7 weeks
Flower type: single
Flower size: 8 cm
13250 Sanya
Asia Cut Mums
middle compact growing
response time:
8 weeks
Flower type: pompon
Flower size: 4,5 cm
10309 Barca
middle compact growing
response time:
8 weeks
Flower type: filled
Flower size: 6 cm
14204 Tegal
Asia Cut Mums
middle compact growing
response time:
6,5 weeks
Flower type: single
Flower size: 7 cm
14250 Madras Red
Asia Cut Mums
middle compact growing
response time:
7 weeks
Flower type: pompon
Flower size: 4 cm
14227 Adana Orange Impr.
Asia Cut Mums
middle compact growing
response time:
8 weeks
Flower type: filled
Flower size: 6 cm
14231 Jakarta
Asia Cut Mums
middle compact growing
response time:
7,5 weeks
Flower type: pompon
Flower size: 5 cm
14230 Ceylon
Asia Cut Mums
middle compact growing
response time:
7,5 weeks
Flower type: filled
Flower size: 8 cm
14550 Madras
Asia Cut Mums
middle compact growing
response time:
7 weeks
Flower type: pompon
Flower size: 4 cm
13457 Sikkim
14554 Almaty
Asia Cut Mums
middle compact growing
response time:
7 weeks
Flower type: single
Flower size: 5,5 cm
14586 Hue
Asia Cut Mums
middle compact growing
response time:
8 weeks
Flower type: pompon
Flower size: 4 cm
15104 Pemba White
Island-Pot Mums/Pretty Pemba
middle compact growing
response time:
8 weeks
Flower type: single
Flower size: 6 cm
15116 Tamalu White
Island-Pot Mums
middle compact growing
response time:
6,5 weeks
Flower type: single
Flower size: 7,5 cm
15172 Ibiza White
Island-Pot Mums
middle compact growing
response time:
5 weeks
Flower type: single
Flower size: 3 cm
15115 Smola White
Island-Pot Mums
middle compact growing
response time:
8 weeks
Flower type: filled
Flower size: 7 cm
15202 Pemba Yellow
Island-Pot Mums/Pretty Pemba
middle compact growing
response time:
8 weeks
Flower type: single flowering
Flower size: 6 cm
15204 Pemba Gold
Island-Pot Mums/Pretty Pemba
middle compact growing
response time:
8 weeks
Flower type: single
Flower size: 6 cm
15272 Ibiza Yellow
Island-Pot Mums/Pretty Pemba
middle compact growing
response time:
5 weeks
Flower type: Single Flowering
Flower size: 3 cm
15231 Tamalu Yellow
Island-Pot Mums
middle compact growing
response time:
6,5 weeks
Flower type: single
Flower size: 7,5 cm
15220 Cayman Yellow
Island-Pot Mums
middle compact growing
response time:
8 weeks
Flower type: filled
Flower size: 7 cm
15229 Smola Yellow Imp.
Island-Pot Mums
middle compact growing
response time:
8 weeks
Flower type: filled
Flower size: 7 cm
15304 Pemba Purple
Island-Pot Mums/Pretty Pemba
middle compact growing
response time:
8 weeks
Flower type: single
Flower size: 6 cm
15309 Pemba Pink
Island-Pot Mums/Pretty Pemba
middle compact growing
response time:
8 weeks
Flower type: single
Flower size: 6 cm
15316 Tamalu Pink
Island-Pot Mums
middle compact growing
response time:
6,5 weeks
Flower type: single
Flower size: 7,5 cm
15332 Tamalu Purple
Island-Pot Mums
middle compact growing
response time:
6,5 weeks
Flower type: single
Flower size: 7,5 cm
15372 Ibiza Purple
Island-Pot Mums
middle compact growing
response time:
5 weeks
Flower type: single
Flower size: 3,5 cm
15330 Samui
Island-Pot Mums
middle compact growing
response time:
8 weeks
Flower type: filled
Flower size: 6,5 cm
15329 Vido Purp.
Island-Pot Mums
middle compact growing
response time:
8 weeks
Flower type: Filled
Flower size: 7 cm
15402 Pemba Apricot
Island-Pot Mums/Pretty Pemba
middle compact growing
response time:
8 weeks
Flower type: Single Flowering
Flower size: 6 cm
15404 Pemba Red
Island-Pot Mums/Pretty Pemba
middle compact growing
response time:
8 weeks
Flower type: single
Flower size: 6 cm
15416 Tamalu Apricot
Island-Pot Mums
middle compact growing
response time:
6,5 weeks
Flower type: single
Flower size: 7,5 cm
15417 Tamalu Red
Island-Pot Mums
middle compact growing
response time:
6,5 weeks
Flower type: single
Flower size: 5 cm
15472 Ibiza Red
Island-Pot Mums
middle compact growing
response time:
5 weeks
Flower type: single
Flower size: 4,5 cm
15420 Cayman Orange
Island-Pot Mums
middle compact growing
response time:
8 weeks
Flower type: Filled
Flower size: 9 cm
15576 Suva
middle compact growing
response time:
7,5 weeks
Flower type: Single Flowering
Flower size: 7 cm
15569 Capri
middle compact growing
response time:
7,5 weeks
Flower type: Single Flowering
Flower size: 6,5 cm
15562 Suva Red
15568 Naxos Fire
middle compact growing
response time:
7 weeks
Flower type: Single Flowering
Flower size: 5 cm
15429 Vido Red
Island-Pot Mums
compact growing
response time:
8 weeks
Flower type: Filled
Flower size: 7 cm
15521 Capri Bright
Island-Pot Mums
middle compact growing
response time:
7,5 weeks
Flower type: single
Flower size: 4,5 cm
15578 Catalina
Island-Pot Mums
middle compact growing
response time:
7,5 weeks
Flower type: single
Flower size: 5 cm
15115 Smola White
Island-Pot Mums
middle compact growing
response time:
8 weeks
Flower type: filled
Flower size: 11 cm
10141 Vienna White
Asia Cut Mums
middle compact growing
response time:
9,5 weeks
Flower type: ball type
Flower size: 13 cm
10142 Vienna Cream
Asia Cut Mums
middle compact growing
response time:
9,5 weeks
Flower type: ball type
Flower size: 13 cm
15229 Smola Yellow Imp.
Island-Pot Mums
middle compact growing
response time:
8 weeks
Flower type: filled
Flower size: 11 cm
15501 Panama White
Flowersize: 2,5cm
Flowerform: anemone
Response Time: 7 weeks
15502 Panama Yellow
Flowersize: 2,5cm
Flowerform: anemone
Response Time: 7 weeks
10312 Vienna Pink
Asia Cut Mums
middle compact growing
response time:
9,5 weeks
Flower type: ball type
Flower size: 13 cm
10313 Vienna Copper
Asia Cut Mums
middle compact growing
response time:
9,5 weeks
Flower type: ball type
Flower size: 13 cm
16108 Brannobless White
Bran Multiflora Line/Early Birds
medium strong growing
Flower type: filled
Flower size: 3 cm
16052 Brancandy
Bran Multiflora Line
middle compact growing
Flower type: filled
Flower size: 4,5 cm
16053 Bransweet
Bran Multiflora Line
middle compact growing
Flower type: filled
Flower size: 3 cm
16171 Branglobe White
Bran Multiflora Line/Early Birds
middle compact growing
Flower type: filled
Flower size: 4 cm
16145 Branroyal White
Bran Multiflora Line
middle compact growing
Flower type: filled
Flower size: 3,5 cm
16146 Branfountain White
Bran Multiflora Line
middle compact growing
Flower type: filled
Flower size: 4 cm
16106 Branangel White
Bran Multiflora Line/Early Birds
medium growing
Flower type: filled
Flower size: 4 cm
16162 Gigi Snow
Multiflora/Early Birds
strong growing
Flower type: pompon
Flower size: 4,5 cm
16185 Branperfect Ice
Bran Multiflora Line
middle compact growing
Flower type: filled
Flower size: 3 cm
16192 Bransmart White
Bran Multiflora Line
middle compact growing
Flower type: filled
Flower size: 2,5 cm
16208 Brannobless Yellow
Bran Multiflora Line/Early Birds
medium strong growing
Flower type: filled
Flower size: 3 cm
16209 Brancrown
Bran Multiflora Line/Early Birds
middle compact growing
Flower type: filled
Flower size: 4,5 cm
16213 Bransound Lemon
Bran Multiflora Line/Early Birds
middle compact growing
Flower type: filled
Flower size: 4 cm
16218 Brandune
Bran Multiflora Line
middle compact growing
Flower type: filled
Flower size: 4,5 cm
16214 Bransound Yellow
Bran Multiflora Line
middle compact growing
Flower type: filled
Flower size: 4,5 cm
16262 Gigi Yellow
Multiflora/Early Birds
strong growing
Flower type: pompon
Flower size: 4,5 cm
16232 Branroyal Yellow
Bran Multiflora Line
middle compact growing
Flower type: filled
Flower size: 3,5 cm
16238 Branmaya
Bran Multiflora Line
compact growing
Flower type: filled
Flower size: 3,5 cm
16242 Branmagic Yellow
Bran Multiflora Line
middle compact growing
Flower type: filled
Flower size: 2,5 cm
16244 Branfountain Yellow
Bran Multiflora Line
middle compact growing
Flower type: filled
Flower size: 4 cm
16246 Branfountain Lemon
Bran Multiflora Line
middle compact growing
Flower type: filled
Flower size: 4 cm
16251 Branpetit Gold
Bran Multiflora Line
middle compact growing
Flower type: filled
Flower size: 2,5 cm
16263 Gigi Gold
Multiflora/Early Birds
strong growing
Flower type: pompon
Flower size: 4,5 cm
16286 Branperfect Yellow
Bran Multiflora Line
middle compact growing
Flower type: filled
Flower size: 3 cm
16308 Brannobless Blush Pink
16312 Bransound Pink
Bran Multiflora Line/Early Birds
middle compact growing
Flower type: filled
Flower size: 4 cm
16313 Bransound Purple
Bran Multiflora Line/Early Birds
middle compact growing
Flower type: filled
Flower size: 4 cm
16371 Branglobe Pink
Bran Multiflora Line/Early Birds
middle compact growing
Flower type: filled
Flower size: 4,5 cm
16324 Branjoy
Bran Multiflora Line/Early Birds
strong growing
Flower type: filled
Flower size: 5,5 cm
16330 Branroyal Purple
Bran Multiflora Line
middle compact growing
Flower type: filled
Flower size: 3,5 cm
16331 Branroyal Pink
Bran Multiflora Line
middle compact growing
Flower type: filled
Flower size: 3,5 cm
16352 Branpetit Purple
Bran Multiflora Line
middle compact growing
Flower type: filled
Flower size: 2,5 cm
16353 Branpetit Pink
Bran Multiflora Line
middle compact growing
Flower type: filled
Flower size: 2,5 cm
16362 Gigi Dark Pink
Multiflora/Early Birds
strong growing
Flower type: pompon
Flower size: 4,5 cm
16363 Gigi Pink
Multiflora/Early Birds
strong growing
Flower type: pompon
Flower size: 4,5 cm
16344 Branfountain Purple
Bran Multiflora Line
middle compact growing
Flower type: filled
Flower size: 4 cm
16346 Branfountain Pink
Bran Multiflora Line
middle compact growing
Flower type: filled
Flower size: 4 cm
16385 Branperfect Purple
Bran Multiflora Line
middle compact growing
Flower type: filled
Flower size: 3 cm
16305 Branangel Pink
Bran Multiflora Line
middle compact growing
Flower type: filled
Flower size: 4 cm
16386 Branperfect Pink
Bran Multiflora Line
middle compact growing
Flower type: filled
Flower size: 3 cm
16392 Bransmart Pink
Bran Multiflora Line
middle compact growing
Flower type: filled
Flower size: 2,5 cm
16393 Bransmart Purple
Bran Multiflora Line
middle compact growing
Flower type: filled
Flower size: 2,5 cm
16416 Bransound Dark Orange
Bran Multiflora Line/Early Birds
middle compact growing
Flower type: filled
Flower size: 4 cm
16448 Branbeach Orange
Bran Multiflora Line/Early Birds
middle compact growing
Flower type: filled
Flower size: 4,5 cm
16406 Branlena
Bran Multiflora Line
middle compact growing
Flower type: filled
Flower size: 3,5 cm
16441 Branvenus
Bran Multiflora Line
middle compact growing
Flower type: filled
Flower size: 3,5 cm
16415 Bransound Red
Bran Multiflora Line
middle compact growing
Flower type: filled
Flower size: 4 cm
16431 Branroyal Scarlet
Bran Multiflora Line
middle compact growing
Flower type: filled
Flower size: 4 cm
16446 Branfountain Salmon
Bran Multiflora Line
middle compact growing
Flower type: filled
Flower size: 4 cm
16444 Branfountain Apricot
Bran Multiflora Line
middle compact growing
Flower type: filled
Flower size: 4 cm
16450 Branchili
Bran Multiflora Line
middle compact growing
Flower type: filled
Flower size: 4 cm
16476 Branlion
Bran Multiflora Line
middle compact growing
Flower type: filled
Flower size: 4 cm
16452 Branpetit Red
Bran Multiflora Line
middle compact growing
Flower type: filled
Flower size: 2,5 cm
16451 Branpetit Orange
Bran Multiflora Line
middle compact growing
Flower type: filled
Flower size: 2,5 cm
16453 Branpetit Salmon
Bran Multiflora Line
middle compact growing
Flower type: filled
Flower size: 2,5
16462 Gigi Orange
Multiflora/Early Birds
strong growing
Flower type: pompon
Flower size: 4,5 cm
16485 Brandevil
Bran Multiflora Line
middle compact growing
Flower type: filled
Flower size: 3 cm
16486 Bransmart Cherry
Bran Multiflora Line
middle compact growing
Flower type: filled
Flower size: 3 cm
16471 Branglobe Red
Bran Multiflora Line
middle compact growing
Flower type: half-filled
Flower size: 3,5 cm
16492 Bransmart Salmon
Bran Multiflora Line
middle compact growing
Flower type: filled
Flower size: 2,5 cm
16493 Bransmart Orange
Bran Multiflora Line
middle compact growing
Flower type: filled
Flower size: 2,5 cm
8005 Evelyn Busch
flower type: ball type
flower size: 10 cm
8010 Ja Dank
flower type: ball type
flower size: 11 cm
8015 Golden Alex Bedser
flower type: ball type
flower size: 10 cm
8035 Victor Rowe
flower type: decorativ
flower size: 12 cm
8040 Holiday Pink
flower type: ball type
flower size: 11 cm
8045 Regal Mist Purple
flower type: decorativ
flower size: 8 cm
8050 Holiday Purple
flower type: ball type
flower size: 11 cm
8368 Marielle Pink
flower type: decorativ
flower size: 8 cm
10138 Kibo
10105 Borlu
Asia Cut Mums
strong growing
response time:
8 weeks
Flower type: Pompon
Flower size: 6 cm
8575 Marielle Purple
flower type: decorativ
flower size: 8 cm
8060 Daily Mirror
flower type: ball type
flower size: 12 cm
8065 Tom Pearce
flower type: decorativ
flower size: 11 cm
8075 Regal Mist Red
flower type: decorativ
flower size: 8 cm
8080 Astro
flower type: decorativ
flower size: 10 cm
8105 Ellen White
flower type: filled
flower size: 6 cm
8112 Simon
flower type: filled
flower size: 6 cm
8150 Gompie White
flower type: filled
flower size: 7 cm
8130 Beppie White
flower type: filled
flower size: 6 cm
8205 Ellen Yellow
flower type: filled
flower size: 6 cm
8225 Wendy Yellow
flower type: filled
flower size: 6,5 cm
8230 Beppie Yellow
flower type: filled
flower size: 6 cm
8240 Pompon Yellow
flower type: pompon
flower size: 5 cm
8250 Gompie Yellow
flower type: filled
flower size: 7 cm
8265 Bright Eye
flower type: pompon
flower size: 4 cm
8310 Payton Dale Pink
flower type: filled
flower size: 6 cm
8370 Bella Pink
flower type: filled
flower size: 5,5 cm
8330 Beppie Pink
flower type: filled
flower size: 6 cm
8340 Pompon Pink
flower type: pompon
flower size: 5 cm
8350 Gompie Pink
flower type: filled
flower size: 7 cm
8366 Blenda Purple
flower type: filled
flower size: 6 cm
8368 Marielle Pink
flower type: filled
flower size: 7 cm
8575 Marielle Purple
flower type: filled
flower size: 7 cm
8431 Beppie Super Purple
flower type: filled
flower size: 6 cm
8440 Pompon Lilac
flower type: pompon
flower size: 5 cm
8430 Beppie Purple
flower type: filled
flower size: 6 cm
8435 Smokey
flower type: filled
flower size: 6 cm
8450 Gompie Purple
flower type: filled
flower size: 7 cm
8505 Majola
flower type: filled
flower size: 6 cm
8531 Beppie Super Red
flower type: filled
flower size: 6 cm
8525 Wendy Red
flower type: filled
flower size: 6,5 cm
8550 Gompie Red
flower type: filled
flower size: 7 cm
8568 Marielle Red
flower type: filled
flower size: 7 cm
8604 Pamela Bronze
flower type: filled
flower size: 7 cm
8610 Payton Glow
flower type: filled
flower size: 6 cm
8625 Wendy Bronze
flower type: filled
flower size: 6,5 cm
8570 Bella Gold
flower type: filled
flower size: 5,5 cm
8630 Beppie Bronze
flower type: filled
flower size: 6 cm
8635 Bruno
flower type: filled
flower size: 5,5 cm
8640 Pompon Bronze
flower type: pompon
flower size: 5 cm
8650 Gompie Bronze
flower type: filled
flower size: 7 cm
8668 Marielle Bronze
flower type: filled
flower size: 7 cm
8670 Julia
flower type: filled
flower size: 6 cm